Friday, September 15, 2006

Perception is Reality

...and reality does not exist.

I've been asked by more than one person about my poetry. What does it mean? Please explain it.

I can't. I won't.

I think poetry, posts, are art (With apologize to Ash: good, bad, I'm the guy with a keyboard) and my attempt to explain it to you will fall short of your own interpretations.

I also caution you that I myself might interpret my own work differently that what you think is obvious, logical, or most likely. I.e., If you think the post is about you, it might be, or it might be as a dream with symbolism only I can recognize. Or, I can't recognize it either but it is the imprint of emotions and memories that key to something more than just reading some words.

That said, if you want to get to know me in person, you might gain some insight into my personality. No profile can define me. Attributes are isolations and about as useful as one chemical in my makeup to a scientist - "Yes. Carbon - but is it intelligent life?". If you are lucky, we might share ideas that make us happy.

I hope someone, somewhere, enjoys my posts.

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